Low Carbon cycle ;
Reduce environment disruption.
Fortune Medical recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability. We firmly believe that only by protecting the earth’s resources can we ensure sustainable development for future generations. Therefore, with respect for the environment and a responsible attitude, we are committed to realizing green development and promoting ecological balance in our corporate operations, as well as seeking to strike a balance between the economy, society and the environment.
Fortunemed has developed an energy-saving and carbon-reduction plan, implementing various measures focused on three main points:
- 1.Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
- 2.Water Resources Mmanagement
- 3.Waste Management
Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
• Reducing greenhouse gas
• Energy saving hardware
• Greening measures
• Carbon reducing training
Water Resources Management
• Water sources from Taiwan Water company
• Wastewater and sewer treatment
Waste Management
• Abide by 5R waste reduction plan
• Waste reduction managing
• Waste categorize and disposal

1% reduction in Category 1 and Category 2, based on the year 2021. Due to the construction of new factory in 2022, the electricity consumption in 2022 will increase by 13% as compared to 2021. In 2023, new factories and production lines will be commissioned and the number of employees will be increased gradually, so the electricity consumption will continue to increase at present.
In 2023, the energy saving program can reduce carbon emissions by 4.39 tons per year for the company. In addition, the installation of solar panels will continue to be under construction in 2024, and renewable energy sources can be put into recognition after the completion of the program, so as to achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing carbon emissions.
Reduce water consumption by 8%, based on the year 2021.
Due to the construction of a new factory in 2022, water consumption will increase by 16% in 2022 compared to 2021, and will continue to increase due to the opening of new factories and production lines in 2023 and the increase in the number of employees.
Fortune Medical’s water source is 100% from the Taiwan Water Company, and the company’s method of water extraction does not affect the water source. The water used in the office is only for employees’ daily use (including drinking, washing, and cleaning), and the wastewater generated is legally disposed of directly through sewers, with a total of 12,458 liters of water to be used in 2023.
Fortune Medical continuously implement Water Conservation and Reuse plan, for example: toilet with two-stage water-saving design, installation of faucets with water saving devices, adoption of a water recycling system to recycle part of the water used to minimize waste.

Fortune Medical is committed to environmental sustainability and emphasizes waste management. We categorize waste into general business waste and hazardous business waste, and record and manage them in accordance with legal requirements. In the spirit of the 5R’s of “Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refuse and Recycle”, we have formulated a waste reduction plan and implemented it in our daily management. Through regular inspections and refurbishments, we continue to improve the efficiency of our equipment and strengthen the management of our personnel to achieve the goal of reducing waste generation.
- Reduce the use of paper in 2021, and the recycling of paper in 2023 will be 37% lower than that in 2021
- Promote reusability of plastics starting in 2021, with a 19% decrease in plastics recycling in 2023 compared to 2021.
Fortune Medical Embeds Greenery Innovation in Production, Striving for Swift Carbon Reduction Results.